Sunday, May 3, 2015

Trees and shrubs add value to your property

Tree Medics 
Trees and shrubs add value to your property

First impressions are everything, and curb appeal is an immeasurable asset to your property. Trees and shrubs add value to your property. Well-managed trees and shrubs can save you dollars. Protecting and maintaining them saves you the future cost of removals and replacements. Tree and shrub maintenance expenditures are a wise investment because you can improve their health and appearance, while adding long-term value to your property. Tree Medic’s arborists are certified by the administering body of the tree industry, the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), therefore, we offer you quality, knowledgeable service. Our efficient methods will offer you this quality at a value that will ensure your investment is growing.

Poorly kept landscapes reflect poorly on the business


When trees on a building site are not protected, they can be severely injured or lost.  The cost of removing dead or damaged trees and replacing them can increase construction costs, while decreasing property values.  Budgeting to protect and maintain viable trees increases property value that continues to increase over time.

 These trees have been taken care of over the years and reflect a positive, well maintained business.

What is considered “proper” maintenance? How do I know what company will be able to provide quality care for my landscape? And for my trees?

Proper maintenance of trees and shrubs includes 4 main areas of focus:

·       Proper pruning

·       Pest/disease control

·       Proper nutrition

·       Proper irrigation

Proper pruning of trees ensures health, signage/storefront visibility, reduction of hazards to people & property and ensures that the trees grow up into their natural size/shape. Tree Medics has pruning programs that achieve these goals, while improving the health of the plants. Pest/disease control ensures that there are little to no “unsightly” plants on the property and helps reduce potential hazards to those visiting your business. Pest control programs are inexpensive and help avoid problems in the future. Proper nutrition ensures healthy plants that improve the aesthetics of your property. Feeding your plants will help to ensure that they remain strong, vigorous and have a desirable appearance. Proper irrigation is essential. Too much water, or not enough water, causes many of the problems we see on commercial properties. Irrigation schedules need to be altered according to changes in many factors, such as: weather, type of plant, seasonal changes or the presence of certain pests or diseases. 


Our certified arborist can develop a tree preservation plan for a property before construction begins, in order to reduce the loss of valuable trees. However, in many instances, a certified arborist is called in after the first signs of a tree's health decline have appeared. There are some remedial treatments that may save some construction damaged trees. Our arborists asses the viability and potential hazards and recommend treatments. Call or visit Tree Medics today for a free evaluation of your property. We will design a cost effective program that will maintain the aesthetics of your business or home for years to come.
Tree Medics

Rejuvenate your declining tree with the Air Spade

tree medics
Rejuvenate your declining tree with the Air Spade  

Tree decline may be caused by many factors, such as pest infestation, disease, mechanical damages &/or soil compaction in the root zone area. Pest and disease issues are generally treatable above ground, however, soil compaction and mechanical damage to tree roots require inspection and treatment below ground. Excavation is necessary in order to inspect and repair any damages below ground, which usually involves digging with shovels or other equipment such as a backhoe.

Digging with common tools such as these will result in broken &/or severed roots, which cause major damage to the health of your tree. So, how can we excavate and uncover the roots without damaging them? The answer is to use the Air Spade tool. How does it work? As the name implies, the Air Spade uses air, under high pressure, to blast the soil away and expose the roots of the tree. Pressurized air does NOT harm even the smallest of tree roots! With this tool, we are able to excavate small, specific areas or “till” all of the soil around a tree to any radius required (much like tilling a garden).
Section of root zone excavated with the Air Spade
Close up view of roots near trunk
Notice all of the finer hair-like roots near trunk


How can this procedure help save my declining tree? In order to answer this question, we must understand a little bit more about tree roots and the soil in which they call home. First of all, tree roots grow rather close to the surface of the soil (the majority are in the upper 6”-12”). Second, tree roots require 3 things in order to survive and thrive:

1.       Water

2.       Air exchange

3.       Nutrients

Also, we must understand that the majority of a trees “feeder roots” are very small. Many of them are smaller than your pinky finger! With roots that small, it is easy to understand how easily they can be damaged while digging with common hand tools and especially by using heavy equipment.

If roots have been damaged or severed, or the soil has been compacted, the essential elements may not be getting to the roots at all. This causes the entire tree to suffer! The soil must be loose and able to allow air and water exchange, allow nutrients to leach down and also allow the roots to expand through the soil as they grow.

The Air Spade can loosen the soil and expose the roots without damage. We are able to blow the soil away and inspect the roots and find where problem roots are located for repair. We can also till the roots zone area to loosen the soil for air/water exchange, then amend the soil with rich, organic soil. By improving the soil texture, the roots begin to thrive, instead of just survive! The roots can more easily obtain and absorb nutrients in soils that are rich in organic matter.

Helping to keep your trees as healthy as possible is the main focus for Tree Medics. We have Certified Arborists on staff that specialize in tree health care. Call Tree Medics today to schedule a free inspection and evaluation of your trees. Find out how you may be able to save your trees for our next generation to enjoy!

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Identifying Signs of Stress or Decline in Your Trees

                             Tree Medics Tampa


                          Identifying Signs of Stress or Decline in Your Trees


The Tampa Bay area is rich in trees.  Nearly every homeowner has at least one or more trees in their yard and many commercial businesses have multiple trees on their properties.  Many trees are healthy and beautiful, but unfortunately some are not. Too often a Tampa tree service company is called in to remove a tree due to pests, diseases or storm damage. However, in many cases that tree could have been saved or the problem avoided altogether.  The best chance your tree may have for survival, as with your pets, is by early detection and accurate diagnosis.  

Certified Arborists may assist you in both areas, but how would you know that you needed to ask?  How would you know what signs to observe? Here are some tips to help you detect some typical tree health issues.  The more obvious symptoms are visible on the trunk:

·      Damaged or missing bark.

·      Saw dust or powder present.

·      Sap “bleeding.”

·      Multiple “pinholes.”

·      Torn or missing roots at base.

       tree medics                          tree medics
"Bleeding" sap from Pine beetle infestation           Dieback from the tips of twigs indicates severe decline

Other signs that are found higher in the crown that may require closer inspection are:

·      Dieback at twig tips.

·      Yellowing foliage during growing season.

·      Dead/broken branches.

·      Webs on foliage.

·      Spots on foliage
tree medics                           tree medics                                   Leaf spot caused by Apple scab fungus                 Yellowing of Lemon tree foliage from nutrient imbalance

  As you can see from the pictures, there are many different symptoms that can be easily noticed, but they may not be readily identified. Having Tree Medics’ Certified Arborists visit your property will insure proper & accurate identification of the symptoms on your trees. We can then give a diagnosis & treatment plan to help your trees recover as quickly as possible. Hollow places anywhere on the tree trunk &/or branches can indicate a weak spot prone to failure with the potential to cause property damage. A thorough inspection of your trees is recommended on an annual basis.   

Upon noticing any of the signs mentioned above, it is best to have an arborist inspect the tree as soon as possible.  This will ensure the best possible chance of your trees’ survival.  Tree Medics tree care Tampa Bay provides professional inspection of your trees free of charge.  We will be working in your neighborhood in the upcoming months, and will be available to inspect your trees, or if you would like to contact us sooner, please call (941) 677-2679 to schedule an appointment or visit our website @ 


Tree Medics   